Artist:Stafrænn Hákon
Album: Gummi
Year: 2007
Genre:Post Rock

Once described as “frequently mesmerizing, seamlessly interwoven combination of electronica and ambient guitar…” by the legendary Wire magazine. Stafrænn Hákon has indeed through the last 6 years been described as a mix of post-rock, lo-fi, ambient guitar & electronica. The Icelandic born Ólafur Josephsson has been recording music since 1999 under the name Stafrænn Hákon (sometimes stafraenn hakon, stafrann hakon) which has often confused the media, due to the confusing Icelandic origin. Stafrænn has self released 3 albums in Iceland. Later 2 of the albums were re-released on Resonant in the UK and the debut on Secret Eye in the U.S. Stafrænn did release his 4th record on Resonant in 2004. The new album "Gummi" came out in june 2007.
"As beautiful as this is - and it is beautiful - there's just nothing really striking about it. There's nothing in here to make it stand out from the pack, and it's instantly forgettable. It's all very Sigur Ros, unsurprisingly, but most songs lack the intensity. It makes up for this weakness with the sheer quality of it. There's no way I can slight the musicians, this is expertly put together. As I've said, it is thoroughly beautiful, as well as calming, and a pleasure to listen to."(rainshine87)